Campaign Updates

Greetings denizens!

You have waited, you have wondered, and now the time has finally arrived for details about the Underworld Don campaign.

The latest copy from the printing agency I am using to print the Underworld Don comic (or graphic novel if you will) has at long last sent me a copy I can say is worthy of going to full production. The colors are beautiful and the pages have lined up quite nicely without drifting into the binding.

So, what’s next?

I am glad you asked dear denizen, below you will find a short hand bullet pointed checklist that I am using to navigate my way to being fully ready for the launch of the Underworld Don campaign.

  • Art studio completion of additional campaign items

  • ISBN purchase with barcode

  • Purchase of shipping supplies

  • Marketing (scheduling podcast appearances/advertising/awareness)

  • Finishing FundMyComic page

There is much more that I am doing behind the scenes to prepare that I have not listed here. If I posted every single point of work that I am doing to prepare and finally launch the campaign it would be a wall of text. I simply wanted to give a concise list of the most important items needing to be finished before I push the “go” button.

And yes, the shipping supplies is an important one to have before the campaign starts because, well, the comic is done! No need for you or I to wait 6 months after the campaign is complete for me to buy the supplies and then ship it out. No dear denizen, my plan is to start shipping after the campaign has completed!

Keep checking the website, and my X page for continued updates. If you haven’t already, sign up for my email newsletter. I promise I do not blow up your inbox, the only mail you will receive from me are updates and announcements.

Thank you for your continued support and as always;

Stay malevolent.

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