Secret Project

Good day to you denizens!

Now, for those of you which have been following me for awhile, you know that I enjoy being a tease.

I have commissioned a few surprises from the studio that I work with which does the artwork for Underworld Don. If I am going to do this campaign, I better do it right, yea? This means I am investing more than I had initially planned (shocker) in campaign materials.

Honestly though, it doesn’t really bother me. When you see what is coming the enjoyment that it will bring my fans is worth said investment. I have eluded to what this project is, or really, projects, yes with an s. Plural.

One is an animated trailer and the other an animatic. Both will release at the same time and I am ever so eager to reveal both of these videos. If you find yourself eager for more content as we lead up to the Underworld Don campaign launch, please do check out the animated character theme music videos which can be found in the “Characters” section of the site. There is also a teaser trailer titled “The Warning” on the home page if you have not seen that yet as well.

Stay malevolent denizen.